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I still can’t believe the over whelming response from you guys asking for quotes on your businesses and vehicles.  I truly appreciate the opportunity and want to thank everyone for making our First year a great success.  To see your operations on this list give me a call and make the switch. | 403-318-9325

Site Supervisor – pipeline construction

Lease site landscaping and snow removal

Instrumentation Control tech on PLC systems

Water / Oil Separation

Company man – drilling rig supervisor in Chad, Africa

Blow out preventer service, testing and certification

Lease site weed spraying including over-spray

Lease site prep with mobile equipment

Battery Operator X4

Crude hauler PIN 1267, with 1MM Pollution coverage and 2010 Pete, Non owned trailer

Workover and Completions consultant X4

Equipment design – Snubbing Units

Directional drilling consultant

Hydro-seeding and lease site maintenance

Geo-thermal consultant at geo-electric plants incl USA operations

Welder B-pressure with 2012 Ford F350

Pipeline Construction Supervisor

Gas and Oil well owner Incl pollution

Pilot Truck with USA radius